Impact and opportunities of Automation & Digitalization for the remanufacturing industry
Wednesday 20 November 2024
The fourth industrial revolution is here: the digitalization of remanufacturing. Often known as “Industry 4.0,” this profound change involves the integration of digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, with the wealth of data now available to remanufacturers.
If done right, digitalization can become digital transformation, which will enable organizations to improve productivity, reduce costs, enhance workplace safety and pave the way for the future of the industry.
During this REMATEC Webinar, you learn what the impact of Digitalization will be for your business in the near and far future. Experts from the remanufacturing industry will share their views on the opportunities and challenges for Digitalization.
What are the benefits for remanufacturers and how to implement this into your daily business, plus also what potential threats do you need to take into account. These questions and more will be answered in the upcoming webinar.
Speaker Line-up

Rajiv Ramchandra
Rajiv Ramchandra is the founder of Recreate India Research Foundation (Re:CREATe). In 2020 Re:CREATe received the prestigious ‘Reman of the Year’ Award.

Christophe Samzun
Christophe Samzun, Advanced Development Manager at Valeo, has dedicated over 30 years to the industry, specializing in remanufacturing and 4R principles. With a background in electromechanics, quality, R&D, and program management, he supports Valeo’s Reman 2.0 initiative.

Ryan Webster
RS Automotive
Ryan is one of the founders and owners of RS Automotive Core, with 14 years experience in the industry.

David Oudshoorn
ATR Remote
General Manager ATR Remote B.V. and ATR Transmissies B.V. We assist the traditional remanufacturing “gearbox" market into a new digital reman era. Winner of the RotY awards 2023 “Best Reman Process Optimization”. Our slogan is “Where you stop, we start".

David Fitzsimons
European Remanufacturing Council
Director of the European Remanufacturing Council.