mascot launches new online customer portal
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Mascot launches new online customer portal

Mascot Truck Parts Canada, Ltd – Canada’s only wholesale remanufacturer of heavy truck differentials, transmissions, steering components and drivelines announced today the launch of its new secure customer portal.

This portal, integrated into Mascot’s website, allows authorized users to search Mascot’s remanufactured inventory across North America 24/7. Parts can be found using industry part numbers, OEM part numbers and even searches with only partial part information.

“The portal’s primary function is to help our customers properly identify the part they need and then present up-to-date part availability information and pricing, even allowing certain users to place online orders and organize product shipment, all with less than 5 clicks” stated Mascot’s President, Bill Statham.

Mascot expanded its distribution network across Canada, opening locations in Edmonton, Windsor, Montreal, Moncton, Halifax, and Newfoundland while also adding a central distribution hub in Mississauga, ON. In 2015. “We have a proven system that allows Mascot to quickly replenish inventory anywhere across the country.” stated Rich VanSlambrouck, Vice President of Mascot.

The company recognized that uptime and access to timely information is a new key to this business. “We are very proud of our customer service team who have been answering our customer inquiries for many years, but many of our wholesale customers want to close the sale with their customers on the first call.” said Statham. He continued, “The technology being used in our world today is much greater than it used to be. Our customers shared with us their need to multi-task, they want to be independent in the ordering process and need immediate feedback in order to keep pace, especially after-hours. We responded.”

The online portal is an additition to the traditional customer service options, but will soon include access to customer specific core eligibility information, self-serve printing of accounting documents and a call me button that will automatically connect to the next available customer service agent with the customer in need of help.

The online portal will also be rolled out across the US in the fall of 2016 the company stated.

“Mascot offers a new two-year, nationwide warranty, 27 points of distribution across Canada and the US, and now an even more robust customer service experience,” stated Tony Mack, Canadian Operations Manager.


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