Reman automation and robotics symposium
Process and technology Equipment and parts

Reman automation and robotics symposium

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Reman veteran Fernand Weiland and Professor Wolfgang Gerke are inviting to learn more about the future of Technologies applied to Remanufacturing. Fernand is an expert on Remanufacturing and Wolfgang an expert on Robotics. Both are organising a Symposium on Automation & Robotics for Remanufacturing on March 20-21. The objective of the event is to encourage remanufacturers, academics and equipment suppliers to research and develop together new applications. The focus of the event will be a series of presentations and demonstrations, to share experience on automation, and to examine robotics in reman and in human-robot collaboration. The organisers are delighted to have the support of ReMaTec News, Apra (Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Assoc.), ERC (Conseil Européen de Remanufacture), several Universities, Robot suppliers and top personalities from the Reman Industry.

They would be very pleased to welcome you to this unique event, if you wish more information or to register, please contact fernand.weiland@t-online or or simply visit;


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