European Remanufacturing Symposium registration now open
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European Remanufacturing Symposium registration now open

Thursday, 18 February 2016

The European headquarters of APRA, the Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association, announces the registration for their 2016 event is now open. APRA’s European Remanufacturing Symposium will take place from 20-22 April 2016 in the NEC in Birmingham, United Kingdom.

The event has a modular structure, where participants can pick and choose which elements are relevant to them, choosing from modules covering technical, marketing or scientific subjects and networking opportunities.

A number of speakers are confirmed for the event. From the University of Linköping, Erik Sundin will be covering subjects such as remanufacturing in the automotive industry and reverse logistics.

Remanufacturer Lizarte from Spain, a specialist with decades of experience in remanufacturing steering racks, pumps, columns and more, will also be presenting. Gobbi Spare Parts and Eurotek from Italy will be explaining more about the remanufacturing process and all the challenges involved with remanufacturing EGR-valves.

Apart from a full day’s exhibition, the symposium offers plant visits to ATP and Carwood.