RIC urges Trump to reconsider auto tariffs
RIC urges Trump to reconsider auto tariffs
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RIC urges Trump to reconsider auto tariffs

The Remanufacturing Industries Council (RIC) is among a group of US trade associations urging US president Donald Trump to hold off from imposing automotive import penalties.

A so-called ‘Section 232’ investigation was ordered by the president last year to examine the national security implications of importing vehicles and parts.

A letter jointly signed by the RIC and others including the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, Truck & Engine Manufacturers Association and the Heavy Duty Manufacturers Association says: “We urge President Trump and his administration not to go through with imposing tariffs on any imported vehicle or motor vehicle parts. Implementing these tariffs threatens the jobs of millions of American workers and would likely result in the loss of billions of dollars to the US economy.”

The Section 232 investigation “ultimately poses a serious economic threat to our nation’s whole economy and the well-being of our manufacturers, dealers, employees and customers”, the letter concludes. “Any remedy proposing quotas or tariffs would undermine the benefits of tax and regulatory reform and must not be implemented.”

Separately, the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA – which includes MERA) has urged Trump not to close the US-Mexico border. “The North American supply chain and continued viability of the entire industry requires an open, functioning border,” the MEMA statement said. “If the border is closed, the inability to deliver goods will impact US automotive production immediately. Similar impacts will be felt by all companies engaged in cross-border trade, across all industries, which will have a significant impact on businesses and consumers throughout the entire US economy.”


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