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Industry players and markets

Rematec on tour... to Poland and surrounding countries

Welcome to our monthly column at Rematec, where we bring you a unique perspective on the global remanufacturing industry. Each month, one of our local sales agents will take you on a journey to their home country, providing insights into the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the remanufacturing market.

This month, we turn our focus to Poland and welcome Richard Kostuch, our dedicated sales agent in the region.

Could you share some interesting facts and figures about the remanufacturing market in your region, such as its size, potential, and which segments are currently the main focus?

Richard Kostuch: Poland is one of the EU countries with the highest numbers in the remanufacturing industry. This sector of automotive has been continuously growing in recent years.

This leading position in remanufacturing had a positive impact on neighbouring Central and Eastern Europe countries which started to join reman business, just to mention the Czech Republic. Lithuania, Ukraine and lately Bulgaria.

The growing E-Automotive segment brings quite new challenges to the reman industry in Poland as some companies will have to reprofile or partly change their production focus.

Have no doubt that this will happen and companies will adapt but it seems to be a longer process than expected.

What trends and developments do you see in your country and among exhibitors of Rematec?

Richard Kostuch: Sustainability is the key.

In fact, whatever we do in our life needs to be well balanced and we should tend to obtain this status in general.
The remanufacturing industry is one of the best examples of how to proceed with the circular economy.

This shows how to grow the economy with less impact on ecology. Remanufacturing is the core and makes the theory able to converse in practice, meaning our everyday's life.

Definitely, the hybrid, e-vehicles abilities of remanufacturing the batteries and other parts of the cars, seem to be the main development in coming years.

Who are interesting exhibitors at Rematec Amsterdam to you, and could you share a quote from one?

Richard Kostuch: There are many interesting exhibitors from Poland and the region.

The key players like TURBO-TEC,  ELERTE who are deeply in global business and effectively enhance their markets but also
WUZETEM as an innovative company and the Czech  REMANTE. It is also positive to see how many Ukrainian exhibitors there will be at Rematec in April. 

Our exhibitor TURBO-TEC's CEO Konrad Koziel had this to say about joining Rematec Amsterdam: "Rematec gave us an opportunity to increase our activity, not only on European but markets worldwide"


Rematec gave us an opportunity to increase our activity, not only on European but markets worldwide




Is there anything else you would like to share? Or where potential exhibitors can meet you on the road?

Richard Kostuch: I think that quite important is that Rematec has noticed the automotive transformation taking place worldwide.Remanufacturing needs to deep dive into a new growing segment of the industry, electric vehicles.

We are invited to Warsaw to take part in the SDCM Automotive Congress on Nov. 21st at the event called Remanufacturing round table to discuss the developments, trends and current challenges of our industry in Poland and the region.

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